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after upgrade to firmware HD rtsp video stream not stable anymore


New Member
Oct 14, 2018
Reaction score
I have 6 indoor ptz cameras, which were working fine, rock solid, up to before the last firmware upgrade.
After I moved all of them to FW, they are not having the HD stream stable.
What I have as problem is:

from the yoosee app I cannot see the cameras experiencing the problem, so from Yoosee I can enter in the Camera Settings, but I cannot see any video. I tried also to set the video to a lower resolution ( SD or LD ) without any luck

from Zoneminder I can see cameras affected by the problem, because I can see their LD stream, but I cannot see the HD one.

So the new firmware is at least not handling properly the RTSP HD video correctly. On top of that, the YOOSEE app is useless when cameras face such issue. The app is not able to show me the video coming from the cameras experiencing such problem. The actual WorkAround is to powercycle them

No changes were applied to zoneminder or any other piece of HW or SW in my network, only cameras were upgraded.
Well, it seems you totally ignored or didn’t use CMSClient software.
As default setting of yoosee camera, the stream resolution of RTSP is standard definition.

Users can use CMSClient to change its resolution from SD to HD. You can find the tutorial in this forum.

The other thing you should note is the password. After upgrading of firmware camera password thing will totally changed.
Hi Jackie,
what I stated above is that the HD stream on my cameras has not been stable since the upgrade, so I mean that I can see the stream ( so I configured that already ), but after a while such becomes unavailable for some cameras ( randomly ).
I did not configure any password, so I'm not using such feature. you are suggesting something about that, could you be more clear ?
Unstable, to solve this you may solve it by solution as below:
1. Using CMSClient to switch camera’s DHCP to static IP address.
2. Or you can bind camera’s MAC address to local IP address on router/switch.
the IP address is not the cause, as some have such fixed while some use the DHCP and both are affected by the issue of having the RTSP. I can also assure you the IP is NOT changing as in Zoneminder I can still see the LD stream. So problem is only on the camera not properly handling the HD stream.

About CMSclient, I still have some cameras with DHCP, because CMSclient is not able to commit the change of having the IP set to static. So for some cameras I have to live with the DHCP option, fixing the IP on the DHCP server using the camera MAC address.