M M Malesia Nov 1, 2019 Instalei uma câmera e quando vou acessar aparece a msg rede abnormal. Como posso resolver o problema?
Instalei uma câmera e quando vou acessar aparece a msg rede abnormal. Como posso resolver o problema?
Yepe83 Admin Yepe83 wrote on Admin's profile. Oct 31, 2019 Hola tengo problema con mi cam IP cuando amanece se tome toda la imagen Blanca de la cam tengo que desenchufar y enchufar para q tome nueva imagen
Hola tengo problema con mi cam IP cuando amanece se tome toda la imagen Blanca de la cam tengo que desenchufar y enchufar para q tome nueva imagen
L L LilianEspinosa Sep 27, 2019 Como faço para usar a lâmpada a noite sem ligar a luz qdo tem movimento, quero q avise no celular o alarme
Como faço para usar a lâmpada a noite sem ligar a luz qdo tem movimento, quero q avise no celular o alarme
L L LilianEspinosa Sep 27, 2019 I have camera lamp and uses yousee app at night when motion sensor is activated it turns on the light when it has motion and I don't want
I have camera lamp and uses yousee app at night when motion sensor is activated it turns on the light when it has motion and I don't want
M M Maryke Sep 23, 2019 Why is the app after update not working??? Only a white page for about 10 seconds and then it exit the app???
Why is the app after update not working??? Only a white page for about 10 seconds and then it exit the app???
玩 玩 玩家傑夫 Admin 玩家傑夫 wrote on Admin's profile. Sep 2, 2019 請問我要那裡下載升級固件?我在自動升級固件時,忽然停電,導致現在無法開機,連不上設備,請問要如何解救???拜託您。 jeff7520@gmail.com
M M Marcio Duarte Admin Marcio Duarte wrote on Admin's profile. Aug 11, 2019 How to reset my Login app password ?
P P pyropeet Aug 7, 2019 device may not be online: error code 11307...dvr is working fine but not on the app....anybody has an idea?
device may not be online: error code 11307...dvr is working fine but not on the app....anybody has an idea?
Q Q Qiloneranger Aug 4, 2019 Why my camera always change time and date go to 1970-01-01 and time 00:00:00. I change the time and date settings but always same
Why my camera always change time and date go to 1970-01-01 and time 00:00:00. I change the time and date settings but always same
R R Roberta Iumi Ishio Admin Roberta Iumi Ishio wrote on Admin's profile. Jul 30, 2019 abnormal network. How to solve this problem?
A A Andrew8588 Admin Andrew8588 wrote on Admin's profile. Jul 12, 2019 I try to share camera to my father, but I can’t share rotate camera, how to Solve this problem