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Multi-control association broken

Martin Elias

New Member
Feb 25, 2023
Reaction score

the multi-control associations in my home went absolutely mad. Most of them are malfunctioning. I noticed this malfunction today in the morning (CET). Some of them are working only partly, some of them are not working at all, some of them are actually trigerring wrong switches and not those which are set up in the settings. Without this working properly, my house switches are useless. I tried to restart the impacted light switches, I also tried to disconnect, wipe and set them up again. The issue still persists. Thank you for looking into this with priority.

Removing and adding the multi-control associations didn't help too.

If I set up the scene manually, it works well. So just the multi-control association feature is broken.

Please help!

Thank you!
Same problem here. I had no time yet to try removing / adding multi-control (I also restarted all devices and reset one, no sucess). I was wondering that this was a broader problems that Tuya will eventually solve, but you're the first person I found with the same issue.

What seems odd is that it seems the buttons at the switches are wrongly pointed in the association. If I've Switch A with Buttons 1, 2 and 3, and switch B with 1, 2 and 3 as well and the association was A1 to B3, now when I press A1 it lights B1 for example. If you sort out how to resolve, please let me know. Later today I'll try to remove all multi-controls and set-up again. To make scene manually for me it'll be hard. I've 14 switches somehow interconnected and all of them with 3 to 4 buttons. It'll cost me a good part of the weekend...

Good luck to us!
Yes, that's exactly what I found out too. It is somehow mosteriously swapped or shifted. If not fixed by the end of the day today, I'll reserve my Sunday morning for setting up the manual scenes which will be a huge pain but it works.

Thank god I'm not the only one
Im in the exact same situation.
Out of nowhere, all my multi-control associations started malfunctioning, they are not only SUPER slow but they are turning on and off different switches.

Whats happening?