I've baught a radiator valve, a Zigbee gateway, a temperature and humidity sensor and a door sensor of moeshouse.
I connected all the devices to the gateway and the valve registers the opening and closing of the window via an automation set by the door sensor.
Now I want the valve to use the external temperature sensor to detect the room temperature instead of the sensor inside the valve because I don't want the radiator to switch on when cold air cools the valve in the winter below 5 degrees. Any idea how to get this working?
Thank you
I've baught a radiator valve, a Zigbee gateway, a temperature and humidity sensor and a door sensor of moeshouse.
I connected all the devices to the gateway and the valve registers the opening and closing of the window via an automation set by the door sensor.
Now I want the valve to use the external temperature sensor to detect the room temperature instead of the sensor inside the valve because I don't want the radiator to switch on when cold air cools the valve in the winter below 5 degrees. Any idea how to get this working?
Thank you