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YooSee New Version Nov 20-2020 Reviews + -


New Member
Nov 25, 2020
Reaction score
Hi Folks, (The intention of this posting is to help improve the YooSee product.)

Personal Product Review, at the time/date of posting this message. (I have been frustrated at times with all the bugs in YooSee which prompted doing this review, as some feature you may LOVE+ and some features you may HATE-.) Since all the cameras we purchased are only designed to work with YooSee, We, the End Users, simply want YooSee software to work 100% with the cameras.

New Version of YooSee Nov 20 2020
I Previously had Version of September 18 2020

# 1 Problem, The Android App STOPS all video feeds after 10 minutes, thus cannot use any of my Android boxes connect to my TV to monitor, Must use Windows CMS Client to record 24/7. YooSee should have an options in the settings, "Live Video": "On data" 10 minutes/"On wifi" 30 minutes/"On WiFi/Cat5" Unlimited.

Overall, this new update only seems to only add new stuff and not resolve older issues. Some of the new stuff below has created its own issues.

Pre Notes:

- This version only released on YooSee's website http://yoosee.co for android, apple, and CMS Client.

- This Update is Not on Google Play ( and hence is Not certified by Google Play. Installing outside of Google Play it will Prompt you with many security warnings, some of which you must bypass, you are advised not to.

- Tuyaoem.com list incorrectly under their YooSee's News, that YooSee is version

- shop.tuyaoem.com has no links to download Yoosee, or how to find Yoosee software

- yoosee.com is a defunct website, lost domain.

Notifications Screen: still empty (after 7 months of using it), should have been broadcasting news alerts of upcoming new versions. What about versions x62, x63, x64, x65 where were they? Example: "YooSee News" New version released I was hoping that with each new version, more issues would be resolved.

About Screen: The developer should time line each version release and list what was done under each version number, the new x65 features are not even listed, info shows same x61 info, so this info is not reliable and is not current. All other developers / programmers do a timeline to show 1) how they are improving the product, and 2) the end uses actually see the improvements being made and they are happy to promote the product even more.

New Feature ------------------ Thumb camera movement
+ rating:
Thumb camera movement control looks really cool, one has to practice how to use it, one can drag the middle thumb control or circle to move a camera.

New Feature Bug ------------------ Thumb camera movement
- rating:
95% of the times the direction I press, is never obtained. So I never use this new feature and to me, its useless. Additionally why not also add four small rings under the up/down/left/right blue dots that you can also touch, so you don't need to drag the control. Possibly YooSee is trying out 360 angled degree movements over the 0/90/180/270 degrees for older cameras, all my cameras get confused and go astray in wrong directions.

New Feature BUG ------------------ Thumb camera movement
- rating:
Possibly does not support "ME", "General Settings" Gestures settings for Flip Horizontally & Flip Vertically modes. Thumb camera movement should also access these stored settings.

When you drive a car, you turn the wheel right, to turn right, NOT to go left.
This arrow you see > faces goes right, right!.

example: I press right, goes left, press right goes right, press right goes up, press right goes left, press right goes right. Who designed this thing? press left goes up, press left goes left, press left goes right.

All my cameras are mounted hanging down from the ceiling, hence in each Camera's "Settings", "Picture and Sound" I have Reverse Image Off, In "ME", "General Settings" I only have Gesture Settings set to Flip Horizontally On, Flip Horizontally On.

- In doing so CMS Client and YooSee now work Exactly The Same, so when you place a finger on any camera's video and slide/drag direction does same or like this;

CMS Client - YooSee = result
right arrow - centre to right = camera right
left arrow - centre to left = camera left.

now gets confusing, opposite, is this a bug of YooSee or CMS Client
down arrow - center to bottom = camera up
up arrow - centre to top = camera down

New Thumb/mouse camera movement
right = camera left
left = camera right
up = camera down
down = camera up

* New Feature BUG ------------------ Thumb camera movement
- rating:
When using the Thumb camera movement, I notice an increase the delay time to move the camera. In testing have both windows CMS Client (cat5) and 10 inch android tablet YooSee (5-G wifi) both placed 4 feet from my high speed router, when changing directions by finger delay time is so small, but when using the Thumb the camera movement YooSee becomes far more slower and at times does not move at all, while it does moves in CMS Client, I have the CMS Client camera audio on to hear when the camera's motors move.

* New Feature ------------------ Camera select menu
+ rating:
Camera select menu up at top. No need to go back to the home screen, select the next camera to view. Neat! (faster to access for more cameras)

* New Feature ------------------ sub bar
- rating:
The maximize full screen icon and the video resolution icon (LD/SD/HD) are now moved to a new location in a sub bar that times out or you have to click on the video to pop it up to access.

* New Feature BUG ------------------ sub bar
- rating:
The maximize icon & resolution icon on that sub bar also has a TIME OUT COUNTER that removes this bar after 5 seconds. Also the resolution icon when pressed only gives you 1 second to make a selection and it quickly disappears before your selection is made. 80% of time when you touch on it, it won't open. To fix it why not just move these two icons unto the top banner and permanently display them. I use the maximize allot, so don't hide them. I Never had any problems with this on the older x61 version. We have our cameras at an offsite location network, that send all the camera feeds back to our home network and HD High definition video of 6 cameras uses far more bandwidth than SD. but some cameras you may want HD some SD, for taking still pictures you always want HD.

* New Feature ------------------ New options Menu
+ rating:
New options: Alarm on/off, shortcuts to playback, multifunction.

* New Feature ------------------ Thumb/mouse camera movement
Has also been added to the maximize view monitoring.

The intention of this posting is to help improve the YooSee product.
