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6003MW-201jw unresponsive but not dead


New Member
May 10, 2019
Reaction score
During my holiday the camera in subject went offline.
Yesterday I came back home and I dismantled it from the pole to check.
Connected with cable, no sign of life from ir leds (but with network led on).
Pressed Reset button, power cycled, ir leds turn back to life, lan led blinks, but I can't add to the app.
Checked the router I discovered that camera is not inside the connected devices, so no Ip assigned. I portscanned the entire lan but no way, the camera isn't in the lan.
I opened the camera and the only thing that I can see is a red steady led in the bottom board, near a black switch (I tried to push it like a reset button but nothing happen).
The camera have few weeks of life..