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Sharing my ipcam to setup recording on alarm mode

Launch IP Camera.
Find your target camera, and click Edit.
Go to Recording Settings > Schedule to set up an ideal timetable, then click Save.
Note: Please make sure the schedule does not contradict the recording settings of Home Mode. If Home Mode is activated, its recordings rules will be applied first.
Go to Event Detection > Motion to select a Detection source.
Select By camera if you wish to use the built-in motion detection features of your device. Tick Keep original camera settings to apply the current camera settings, or leave the checkbox unticked to fine-tune the values of Detection Area, Sensitivity, History, Threshold, Object size, and Trigger percentage (available parameters are subject to camera capability).
Note: Please go to the settings page of your IP camera to make sure motion detection is enabled.
By Surveillance Station provides more detailed and precise settings. Also, when Surveillance Station is updated, the detection accuracy will increase accordingly. This can help maintain the hardware performance and video quality of your device as well.
Click Edit Motion Detection Area, use the + and - to add and delete target areas, and click Save.
Modify the following parameters:
Sensitivity: Determine how large the difference is required between a series of frames to trigger motion detection. Larger values will trigger motion detection more easily. The value range is 1 to 99 (%).
Threshold: The threshold of motion detection. Larger values will trigger motion detection for larger movements. The value range is 1 to 99 (%).
Ignore short-lived motion: Ignore minute motions. Larger values mean motion detection will longer motion times to be triggered
Click Save to apply settings. You can try triggering motion detection to make sure the settings meet your expectations. The bar on the left indicates the level of motion detected. Blue means the detected movement is below the threshold while red means the detected motion has triggered recording.