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KW-02C no any information from doorbell when calling from it


New Member
Apr 6, 2020
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Hello! A week ago i bought doorbell KW-02C. After three days of testing, i was find problem in this doorbell (intercom), in fact this device become useless! So what's going on... I connect doorbell with my phone and try to make a call from doorbell. The first call - i revive full screen information about incoming call from doorbell, ok all works fine. After this I waited about 30 minutes and tried to make call again... Calling in process, but in mobile phone no any information. Making call again, result the same - no any information about the incoming call from doorbell, i can repeat this operation few more times and i will doesn't have any information about incoming call. After 20-25 minutes I got push notification about incoming call from doorbell, it is normal? After some time i make call from doorbell again and i get incoming call on my phone, i repeat call one more times again and again and get information on my phone about incoming call! Ok, look like it's works fine again, waiting for a hour and try to make a call again. And what i see? Doorbell is ringing, but phone lies quiet, no any information from doorbell! Repeated call - the same! After some time i got push-notification about incoming call from doorbell. I think device which named like doorbell must work like doorbell and not like children toys. In fact work with this device turns into a lottery, maybe I'll get incoming call or not. So i need help to resolve this situation.
I tried to do next things:
1. I tried to installing different version of software, from official Yoosee site ( and from PlayMarket (
2. I tried to use different phones: Motorola with Android 7, Motorola with Android 9, Huawei with Android 9
3. I tried to use wired and wireless connection
4. I tried to use different routers: old TP-Link and fresh D-Link
5. I even trying to use different internet providers: 2 different wired connection internet providers and one wireless 4G cell provider.
6. I also set background mode, autostart and all permissions.
So what i need to do else for to force this device work fine?
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Same frustrating experience in every corner of the world it seems, this device is a booby-trap, they caught you off guard and steel your money