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Camera Clock Sync Issues

Aug 5, 2019
Reaction score

I'm newbie here. I found this forum searching for a issue in my cameras.

I have 4 cameras onvif, all using Yoosee app. Since last two firmware updates, the Clock time is going wrong randomicaly. I'm from Brazil, and our time zone is -3 hours from UTC. But since last firmwares, there are something wrong in camara clock, causing the time to change to UTC time, even with time zone set do -3. The issue ocours randomicaly on each camera, aparently as the camera connects to a kind of server to sync the clock time. So when this ocours, I have to go into the camera settings and set the clock to local time again (the TZ stay untouched). Some time after this, the clock time changes automaticaly again to +3 hours, and I have to start everything again.

Important: This issue appeared after last 2 or 3 firmware upgrades. The cameras now on firmware. All them shows firmware up to date message. The oldest firmwares had no problem.

Do you think there are any firmware bug? May be the camera is connecting to a local server here in Brazil to sync clock and this server could be with wrong settings, or something like this? How can we solve this issue?

Thank you in advance. Any comments will be apreciated.
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This is a bug in the firmware. Its happening on numerous cameras. I have contacted their support team and have been told that the next firmware update will resolve this. Its a major pain because if you have to go back and review the video the time is incorrect. I check my cameras every morning now and always have to reset it.
Exactly @Al Herman... that's the point... is actualy a big pain... My recorded videos are very confuses and inacurates. I never know when the recorded time is right or wrong. Hope the support team resolve it quickly.

Thank you for your reply.
Please fix, can see my updates, every recorded events are out of sync. It was working ok when I first bough it. Im ready to throw away. Thanks.
You are correct, I think they release for different cameras at different times. I know they release based upon s/n # because I have several of the same and they will update on different days.