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YOOSEE IP camera WiFi Router Settings


Aug 3, 2017
Reaction score
Greeitings from Greece! I bought a YOOSEE IP camera recently. I managed to set it up in my wifi router's range but after a lot of trying, i can not connect to the camera when i am in another location, within an other router's wifi range. I tried to find what's wrong by reading a small manual that came with the camera but, honestly, it is not helping, it is printed in very small characters and even when i managed to read it with a magnifying glass, is not analyzing enough to guide a user step by step as it should. Having spent hours and hours trying and failing, i am really so disappointing that my only hope is to get some help from you.... Maybe a better manual, or at list, specific instructions of connecting to the camera when i am in another location from that the camera is installed. Thank you from your time, i ll wait forward your reply...
same problem i want to know ip address in my ip cam please help me out
1. Download & install the latest version of CMSClient.
2. Login CMSClient software by entering your yoosee account (when you registered it on app)
3. Right click camera's ID, choose "IPC config".
4. You're able to switch it to manual IP address from DHCP.
5. Now you can manually assign a fixed IP address to the cam.